Draw glowing pictures or write illuminating poetry on this super cool glow-in-the-dark activity set. All you need to do is shine the light pen on the glow board to make your creations come to life. The Light Writer activity set comes with 29 different stencil designs or you can simply freehand whatever you want on the board to make your drawings shine in the night!
All it takes is a piece of chalk, some blank sidewalk and energy that just needs to be released. Hopscotch is the best way to get out and bounce around outside. The rules are simple; the first player throws the marker, usually a rock, and they have to skip the course but they are not allowed to put their foot in the square where the stone landed. Then the next player throws a stone and gets hopping! challenge yourself to see how fast you can skip through the course!

Travel Bingo!
Are you on a long, boring, car ride with your family? Hours fly by when everyone (except the driver) plays Travel Bingo! Its just like playing bingo at the senior center, but instead of listening for numbers, you are on the lookout for different objects that are on each board. Once you spot it, mark it and try to get a BINGO before anyone else!
With all these awesome options, how could anyone ever be bored?
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