Sunday, January 27, 2013

Did ya know? 
Play Doh was first used as a wallpaper cleaner before it became Play-Doh? It was first sold in a store in Washington DC?
Green Toys Build a Bouquet is made from recycled milk jugs in California?  
Start Simple: Recycled Plastic Milk Jugs
We use recycled milk containers as the main ingredient in creating our toys. Yes, the exact plastic milk jugs that you and your family drink from every day. When you finish your milk and toss the container in the recycling bin, these milk containers are collected at your curb by a local recycling company, who then sorts them from all the other types of plastic. Next, the milk containers are reprocessed into super clean fresh plastic. For you plastic geeks, the plastic material we use is called high-density polyethylene (or HDPE). This material is considered one of the safest, cleanest plastics around!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping it real Betty ! We like to know about our recycled plastic milk jugs so we can sleep better at night!
