Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dinosaurs 101

Meet Cory & Perry checking out the spring flower!
Cory is a Corythosaurus (ko-ree-tho-soar-us) and
 Perry is a Parasaurolophus (pare-a-soar-ol-o-fus).
Perry is also a one man band!

Cory the Corythosaurus was a large, plant-eating, duck-billed dinosaur !
Cory was about 30 feet  long,  about 6 feet tall at the hips, and may have weighed up to 10000 pounds! That's about 5 cars!
Cory has a  hollow, bony crest on top of its long head in the shape of a helmet flattened on the sides (Corythosaurus means "helmet lizard"). His  nostrils went up through the crest. The crest may have been used to make sounds,somewhat like that of a French Horn that could be heard for miles! He could probably smell really well too because the part of Cory's brain that senses smell was located in his crest.
Corythosaurus had a toothless beak and hundreds of cheek teeth that it used to grind up its food. Being a herbivore,  Cory and Perry walked on two legs , had shorter arms, and a long, heavy tail.
We doubt that they were really pink but we weren't around in the Cretaceous period some 80- 65 million years ago.
What's the difference between the 2 you ask? Well, Perry was much larger that Cory, about 10 feet longer and 2 feet taller! Perry's crest was about 6 feet long from his snout to his back (which had a notch where the tip of his crest would touch if he tipped his chin up).
Interestingly enough both Perry & Cory were relatively smart dinosaurs based on the size of their skull. Musical too!

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