Friday, October 18, 2013

Flashback Friday

EPIC! That's the word we use to describe it! EPIC, all in caps because we want to stress how awesome this really is. EPIC because we have created an annual event in which the winner receives a 2 minute shopping spree in our store. EPIC because everyone who walks by the display can vote. EPIC in a way that hasn't been done in a toy store on Main Street in Durango until we came along....
That's right, it's time for the annual pumpkin carving contest. 
There really aren't many particulars but here's the low down...
1. Carve or decorate your pumpkin any way you want.
2. Bring your creation to our store on Saturday Oct. 26th before noon.
3. Public voting takes place from 12- 3:00
4. You pick up your pumpkin after 3:00 Saturday.
5. We count the votes and announce the winner before 6:00 on Saturday.
6. The winner gets a 2 minute shopping spree at Durango Toy Depot on Sunday October 27th.

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