Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dinsaurs 101

Paleontology Fun!

We all know that dinosaurs roamed the earth many many years ago, but how did we discover them? Well people were digging around and found really old rocks and it turns out these were dinosaur bones! Over the years, they had become "fossilized" which means the bones were rock hard. Nowadays there are people who study dinosaur fossils and they are called Paleontologists. They spend their time digging up these fossils. They must be very careful with the fossils so they don't break them. I bet it would be really fun to find a real dinosaur fossil and dig it up. Until you have that opportunity, you can do this and pretend you are discovering a new kind of dinosaur!

Surprise Rocks and Dinosaur Dig

This is an easy to follow recipe and activity that lets kids explore paleontology!

2 cups of sand
2 cups of flour
1 cup of coffee grounds (left over from morning brew)
3/4 to 1 cup of water

Combine sand, flour, coffee grounds and 3/4 cup of water in a large bowl and mix well until it becomes a dough. Add more water if necessary and knead like you would do to a bread dough.

Take a golf ball sized amount of dough and flatten it to shape around your dinosaur fossil. Make sure you cover it completely. 

Once all of your fossils have been covered in the dough, place them on a baking sheet and pop them into the oven at 250 degrees. After the first 10 minutes, flip them and bake for another 20 minutes. 

When your Surprise Rocks are cooled completely, you can either store them uncovered or place them in a large tub of sand for your paleontologists to discover!
2 c. sand 2 c. all-purpose flour 1 c. coffee grounds (leftover from brewing coffee in a coffee maker) 3/4 c. water + possibly 1/4 c. more
2 c. sand 2 c. all-purpose flour 1 c. coffee grounds (leftover from brewing coffee in a coffee maker) 3/4 c. water + possibly 1/4 c. more
2 c. sand 2 c. all-purpose flour 1 c. coffee grounds (leftover from brewing coffee in a coffee maker) 3/4 c. water + possibly 1/4 c. more

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