Sunday, January 26, 2014

Did ya know?

 A whale and a horse have a legend in common!

 Where did the legend of Unicorns come from?
It is supposed to have come from narwhals.
When a narwal dies, their horns have been known to wash up on the shore.
It is generally believed that ancient man found them and invented the unicorn to explain them.

The first known western written account of a Unicorn is attributed to a Greek historian named Ctesia around 400 BC. He described a horse-like horned creature that was thought to inhabit India. His unicorn was an animal that had the head of a deer, the body of a horse, the tail of a lion, the feet of a goat, blue eyes and a horn that was white at the base, black in the middle and red at the tip and was about 1 ½ foot in length. Interestingly enough, this creature was supposed to have purple head. This may have been a first attempt to link the animal with royalty as the colour purple has always been so hard to get and so expensive only royalty could afford to wear it. The unicorn was a very fast, powerful runner, even swifter than a horse. A recurring theme is that they are extremely hard to catch and were fierce fighters. Aristotle was fond of the unicorn myth and may have been responsible for it becoming popular in the Greco-Roman pantheon of mythical beings. A later historian, Megasthenes, also mentioned a unicorn that more resembled a rhinoceros.

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