Friday, October 3, 2014

Dinosaurs 101

Top 10 Dinosaur Questions Countdown

 Question #10: What does dinosaur mean and how are dinosaurs named?

Sir Richard Owen coined the word dinosaur, meaning "fearfully great lizard," in 1842. In Greek, deinos means "fearfully great" and sauros means "lizard."

Naming Dinosaurs: Newly discovered dinosaurs are named by the discoverer or by the scientist (in this case a paleontologist) who determines that it represents a new genus (or species). There are many different ways to choose a dinosaur name. Sometimes the dinosaur is given a name that describes something unusual about it's body, head, or feet. Some are named after the location where they are found, their behavior, size, or in honor of a person. The name has to be approved by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.

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