Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Weird Science Wednesday

This is weird and WacKy!

                                                              THE POWER OF ICE
Why do people put covers on their outside faucets in the winter? Why isn’t it a good idea to leave water in a garden hose during freezing temperatures? It’s the power of ice.

What You Need:
  • three small plastic drinking cups, one with a lid dish or pan big enough to hold all three
  • cups
  • water
  • freezer
What You’ll Do:
Fill all three cups with as much water as possible without overflowing. Put the lid on one.
Set all three cups on the dish and place in the freezer overnight.
Check to see what happened the next morning. Did the water stay the same size after it became ice?
Leave the frozen items in the freezer for a few days. Did you notice any changes?
What’s Going On:
When water freezes, it expands. When water is left in a garden hose during freezing temperatures, the force of the ice expanding can cause the hose to break open. The same thing can happen with the water pipes in your house. If the water freezes in the pipe, it can break the pipe open.

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