Saturday, September 5, 2015

Reasons to Garden with Your Kids.....

We're not saying you "should" garden with your kids, and we're not jumping on the "expert" bandwagon either. 
We've just got some wisdom to share with you..... ready?

Wisecrack #1. Vitamin D au naturale! That's right get right out there with the sunshine and soak up nature's own vitamin D. Of course, one should slather on the sunscreen, wear a hat and sunglasses. Yeah and don't forget the fresh air and exercise that sneaks in to garden activity.
#2. Teaches About Nature … and More! We're talkin hands-on skills that broadens awareness of the world around you. You can teach the kids why butterflies and bees help pollinate plants,  why the right amounts of water and sun are needed to get gardens to grow. You can also share many teachable moments in your garden. Opportunities abound to teach kids about biology, math, history, nutrition, entomology (the study of bugs), weather and more.
#3. Get the kids actively involved in nutrition! Not only does a vegetable garden provide fresh produce for the table, it  teaches the importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet and encourages your kids to actually eat the darn things. Your kids would love the chance to pluck sugar snaps,  cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and green beans right from the plant and eat them fresh from their garden. Vegetables that might be looked at with resistance when they come from the supermarket are suddenly favorites when they come from your own garden.
#4. Raising children is about preparing them for life. There’s something magical about gardening. The tiny seeds that grow into healthy edible plants.  The bird that swoops down to capture a juicy worm. The deer and rabbits that find your garden tastes better than your neighbors. The end of the growing season when the plants start to die back for winter. All these lessons can be a wonderful reminder to be patient while things grow, and to keep the faith the seasons are changing when some things die away. Besides, as human beings our brains are wired to be out in nature. Perhaps that’s why it’s feels so natural to be out there.
#5. Foster a sense of responsibility. Being invested and involved in a garden means that the associated weeding and watering chores are shared and the kids can learn that they are responsible for the care of what is in the garden.
#6. Promote Self- Confidence. Set a goal with the kids like growing a patch of sunflowers and carrots, for example  and set about achieving it. When the kids can see the tangible results of their efforts, it creates a sense of achievement and pride in their work. Being able to sit at the dinner table and say “I grew this” boosts self esteem.
#7. Build a family bond and teach cooperation. When the whole family works together in the garden, you share time, knowledge, effort, and ultimately success, much like a sporting team. Go team go!
#8. Racing Vegetables! It's true! When you plant the garden, what will sprout first? What will mature first? What veggies will mature last? Do you have any cold season crops?
#9. Get some dirt under your fingernails! Smell the earth, Feel the soil, ground yourself! Feel each step as you walk to the garden and back to the house.
#10.UNPLUG. Oh yes, unplug, walk away from electronics and find your happy place in the garden sanctuary. If for no other reason than to have a few minutes  of "me" time or spend a few minutes with one of the kids learning about their day......

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