Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Road Trip Boredom Busters

She'sTOUCHING me!!! 
She's LOOKING at me!!!!
Have you ever heard those cries from the back seat as your driving along to get away for the weekend?  Ever hear those words when you're just going into town to run some errands?

That’s right!! Travel is not always exciting. There will be dull times when the kids aren't always able to read a book,  play road trip bingo, color, or doodle in their journals.
That’s when you need a good repertoire of games to spontaneously play with your kids and family. Some will be popular games that you can find online and long-forgotten games from your childhood, and you might be surprised just how necessary they’ll be  and how much fun you’ll have  when you want to fill some of those inevitably empty hours on the road.
Here's three to get you started.
Game #1 I SPY.... “I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with A”, and the other players have to guess what object you can see. It would make sense to limit the number of guesses so everything in sight doesn't get named and everyone gets stumped or just plain gives up because this is far too difficult. Try to limit the "I SPY" objects to items in the vehicle or motel room or restaurant or wherever you decide to play.

#2 The Alphabet Game... The Alphabet Game starts with A. Be the first person to spot the letter “A” in a sign and yell out the word: “A is in motorwAy!” Continue with B and get right through to Z. It sounds easy, but there will be a few tricky letters, and if you’re playing in a non-English speaking country then pronouncing the words will be a lot of fun, too. There’s no winner because anybody can scream out the next letter when they see it — but natural competitiveness spurs everybody on anyway.

#3 City, Country, River ... Choose three or four categories like the names of a city, country, river or lake. To be honest, I’m terrible with rivers so I always change the river category to something completely different  like food, because I like to talk about food. Take a letter in turns to challenge another player to think of a city, country and river all starting with a particular letter. If your mom challenges you with “D”, for example, you can win by getting out Dubai, Denmark and Danube in under sixty seconds  or whatever time limit you and your family has decided on.

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