Friday, February 1, 2013

How Many Hats?

 There are days when I can wear fun hats that help me throughout the day. Truth be told, I wear my thinking cap everyday! Sometimes it looks like the one here, sometimes it looks like my favorite baseball cap, sometimes, my thinking cap is very small and nearly invisible to the naked eye!
The most important part of wearing my thinking cap is that it helps me gather my thoughts because this hat helps me focus my brain waves, helps me to concentrate on my head, and this one helps redirect my thoughts back into my head so they don't wander off somewhere else! At any rate, there are lots of things to think about in a day besides what toys I should play with. 
A day at the toy store usually starts with an hour or two of grown up stuff like checking emails, looking around the store to be sure all the toys are where they belong after they have played all night, posting important pictures on Facebook, returning phone calls, making sure all our paperwork is in order, going to the bank, checking on orders, stocking the shelves, and doing what I didn't do the day before. We try very hard to get all this done before the store opens so that we can give all our attention to the guests who come in to look and shop. Then
that's when I get to wear one of my favorite hats! 
That's  right, let the magic begin! We watch eyes light up, we can hear laughter, and I can focus on giving everyone in our store a 3D, hands on, kinda happenin experience!

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